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Version 5.5.2 | 8 June 2024

Added: Purge Cache button added.
Fixed:Broken and Default Logo issue.

Version 5.5.1 | 23 May 2024

Fixed:Coins data not loading bug.
Improved:Saved Large API response in chunks in order to optimize the saving process.

Version 5.5.0 | 20/04/2024

Added: Support for CoinMarketCap API.
Fixed: Twitter feeds issue.
Improved: API Settings textual changes.
Improved: Chart price formatting.

Version 5.4.1 | 03/02/2024

Added: Notice Message for nonce failure.
Fixed: Minor security vulnerabilities.
Improved: checks for code error.
Improved: Overall security measures.

Version 5.4| 07/12/2023

Added: Coingecko free/pro API select option.
Added: Option to hide single page title.
Added: Option to enable/disable read more button.
Updated: Advance single page new design.
Updated: Coins Logos.
Removed: Changelly affiliate option.
Fixed: Backup API issue.
Improved: The main table design.

Version 5.3 | 18/11/2023

Added: Coingecko free api key option.
Added: Option to set cache time.
Added: Disqus Comment widget on single page.
Added: Coinpaprika Backup API.
Added: Read more & readless functionality for single page description.
Removed: Facebook Comment widget from single page.
Updated: Save top 2500+ coins data.
Fixed: Deprecated message notices warning.
Improved: All API functionality.
Improved :Coin price formatting.

Version 5.2 | 30/05/2023

Added: Backup API for the coin single page chart.
Added: Backup API for the coin single page historical table.
Added: Option to select default chart load data for 7 days and 24 hours.
Added: Status refresh button on the license page to check support renew status.
Changed: Default coin single page chart data load from 24h to 7 days.
Improved: Historical data load functionality.
Fixed: Rankmath canonical issue.

Version 5.1.1| 17/02/2023

Added: New Dashboard API
Fixed: Twitter feed issue.
Fixed: Undefined Marketcap&vol.
Fixed: BTT coin single-page issue
Improved: Code improvements

Version 5.1| 06/09/2022

Added: New Twitter feed extension
Removed: Old twitter feed code
Fixed: Simple page live price issue
Fixed: Single page eth coin zero price issue
Improved: Code improvements

Version 5.0.1| 13/07/2022

Added: Trading view chart copyright field
Added: SEO Press support
Fixed: Persistent transient issue
Fixed: cmb2 deprecated message warning

Version 5.0| 30/05/2022

Added: 24h high low data for simple page
Added: filter hook for yoast plugin to show dynamic url
Fixed: Ath pirce data issue in main table
Fixed: Wrong rtl CSS
Fixed: Dashboard pro plugin missing data issue
Fixed: Single page historical table Million/billion price format issue
Improved: License key functionality
Improved: single page chart color
Updated: New license script

Version 4.9| 11 April 2022

Fixed: Major security issue.
Fixed: Uninstall license key issue.
Fixed: Default currency wrong price issue.
Fixed: Facebook comment box issue.

Version 4.8 | 10 March 2022

Fixed: Single page remove canonical.
Fixed: Issue with Rankmath plugin.
Improvement: Added cmb2 files conditionally.
Improvement: Class based API & cron functions.

Version 4.7 | 23 Feb 2022

New: License key security check for coins list data.
New: Openexchangerates API key settings.
Added: Message for license key Registration on frontend.
Added: Top 250+ coins logos.
Fixed: Saved default settings for new users.
Fixed: BTC single page currency issue.
Fixed: Social data notice message.
Fixed: Main table 7 day chart unexpected token error.
Fixed: Admin side & main table empty rows issue.
Fixed: License key regirstration style issue.
Updated: Changelly affiliate end points.
Improved: Fetch global data from coingecko api.
Improved: Single page chart latest price index formatting.
Improved: Price conversion functionality.
Improved:Sanitization & esacaping of all functions.

Version 4.6 | 13 Jan 2022

Added: Trading view chart.
Added: 24 hour High low changes data.
Added: All time High low data.
Added: Custom category option.
Added: RTL compatibility.
Added: Current price in 7 day chart.
Added: Main table advance design option.
Fixed: Top gainer loser zero price issue.
Fixed: Issue with Rankmath plugin.
Fixed: 1 year percent changes issue.
Fixed: In table search small capital letters words issue.
Improved: Main table loading speed.
Improved: API fetch data functionality.
Improved: Single page chart color settings.
