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Exchange NameDexalot
Volume (24H) $4,072,925.35
65.09 BTC
CountryUnited States
Established Year2021
Dexalot exchange 24 hours trading volume is $4,072,925.35 (65.09 BTC). Dexalot is established in year 2021. This cryptocurrency exchange is located in United States

Dexalot is a decentralized exchange that brings the look and feel of traditional centralized exchanges without compromising on decentralization and transparency. Dexalot implements an on-chain central limit order book as a dual-chain subnet application existing on both the Avalanche C-Chain (Mainnet) and the Dexalot Subnet (Subnet) for its trade pairs on the Avalanche platform. The Mainnet and Subnet communicate by generic message passing with the use of high-end bridge technologies. Users deposit from the Mainnet, trade in the Subnet and withdraw from the Subnet. Assets never leave the originating chain while trades are occurring in the subnet.

# Currency Pair Price Volume (24h) Updated Trust Score