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  3. Cryptocurrency Search Add...
  4. Installation


Note:- Before installing this crypto search addon you must use at least one of our crypto plugins listed below because it will act as an addon to these 3 plugins.

  1. Coin Market Cap & Prices Plugin
  2. Cryptocurrency Exchanges List Pro Plugin
  3. Crypto ICO List Widget Pro Plugin

Download Plugin From Codecanyon

  1. After your purchase, first, download the plugin from codecanyon. Visit – https://codecanyon.net/downloads & download your purchased plugin.
  2. Here you can download plugin zip files two ways either download “All files & documentation” or just download the “Installable WordPress file only“.
  3. Remember if you download “All files & documentation” then you must unzip this file to grab the main plugin, otherwise, you must download “Installable WordPress file only” zip file and install this inside your WordPress from dashboard >> Plugins >> Add new.

Install via WordPress Admin (best plugin installation method)

  1. Log in to WordPress Admin
  2. In the left menu panel go to Plugins >> Add New
  3. Click on ‘Upload Plugin‘ button.
  4. Click on ‘Choose file‘ button to open a file selection box.
  5. Select and open the plugin’s main zip file (make sure either select “Installable WordPress file only” plugin zip file or unzip the full plugin pack to find the main plugin zip file)
  6. Click Install Now & then activate the plugin after installation.

Install via FTP Account

  1. Use your FTP software to browse to the wp-content/plugins folder to install the plugin
  2. Extract the main plugin zip file to their corresponding folders, for example, cryptocurrency-search-addon.zip to cryptocurrency-search-addon, and upload to a server
  3. Once it’s uploaded, go to your WordPress Admin, browse to Plugins >> Installed Plugins
  4. Click the Activate link below the plugin’s name.